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ne0: Beginning of another day
5453 days ago
Test from Internet Explorer and Firefox. I dun feel like installing any other browsers
I'm sure i'll find out sooner or later
5453 days ago
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ne0: Need recommendation on a cool website name for this.
5453 days ago
Testing comments loader
5450 days ago
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ne0: Add newly added categories on right side. Also ability to view youtube videos as playlist for a particular category only or of a certain user only.
5452 days ago
newly added categories if they have shared postings. When user logs in first then they should see option to create new username for isajha and other options such as getting email notifications.
5452 days ago
Right now this site is under construction and serves as a portal to keep easily accessible reminders to myself yeah it should be private but who cares!
5452 days ago
put comment updated date/time under the comment
5452 days ago
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