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Posted on 07-31-04 9:42 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Anyone familiar with SPSS software!!!!

Posted on 07-31-04 10:01 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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i did use it last time..wasnt hard to pick up..actually didnt even for any classes of it..was so easy ;o)....so easy that during the test i had NFI how to use it...but still scored well..wahahaha...

got any problems with it?what do u wanna know?...i may not know..but if u tell..others who knows might be able to asn u...:o)

outta here
Posted on 07-31-04 10:49 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 08-01-04 3:30 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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gal1 all i was saying was..
be a bit more specific on what kinda help u need...smtimes those who doesnt know all might be able to help in some things...;o)...and well saves time too ni..:o)...

anyways hehe was being a smartarse there as usual..sorry to have made u reply and waste some time...hmmm hope wakil was able to help..

dyam where are all the knights in shining armour..can they see a gal needs help!!..kasto chance ma dance nagarney manchey haru..dyam i think i should have kept me SPSS notes..:oS...hehe :oP

lu gal1 pls dun reply this time...u know its gonna be a never ending if u reply...u reply i reply..and then..well u know what i mean..;o)..but well ppl likes to talk to me so they always reply wahahaha...:oP...

have fun..:o)
Posted on 08-01-04 9:48 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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But why you asked?
Posted on 08-02-04 7:22 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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why she ask? cause she is..
and she just want to know how many ppl actually are familiar with it....kind of a poll??
Posted on 08-02-04 12:42 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thank you everybody.

Actually i am using SPSS for my study and came across with some problems. i.e creating new variables from sec.data. coz i need to analyse the results using log. regression and chi sq.test frm the variables created. So if anyone can share her/his knowledge!

MR. wakil1 ty for ur help. I am using books and software SPSS version 12.

Dannah,, Yatree and Hansy420, did u all get me now why i need it!

Please take it seriously.
Thank you

Posted on 08-02-04 1:07 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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i certainly can take it seriously but can't give anything seriously in this matter. sorry :D

btw, whats "chi"
Posted on 08-02-04 1:31 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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You still don't know how to ask question, gal. Instead of putting your question/s up front, you are acting like: Mohi magne theki lukaune.

From your post above, it seems you already know how to run Loglinear and get Chi-square value from the cross tab like this:
LogLinear regression tool you can access using Menu-->Analyze-->loglinear. Chi-square test you can do by using Menu-->Analyze-->Description statistics-->Crosstabs. Select the variables for crosstab and click on "Statistics ..." then check "Chi-square".

Now, are you seeking help in creating new variable (COMPUTE), or RECODE-ing the existing variable, or re-assigning (similar to RECODE) values as in IF (X>Y, e.g.)?

FYI, there is a SPSS discussion group (comp.soft-sys.stat.spss) too. You can post your question there or view already posted questions and answers at http://groups.google.com/groups?group=comp.soft-sys.stat.spss.

Good luck.
Posted on 08-02-04 2:02 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Oh thanks yatree i will see that forum.

Posted on 08-02-04 2:38 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Btw, yatree. i need to creat my own variables frm sec. data. that i have mentioned above and only frm that variables i can analyse the results using regression and other tools.
"You still don't know how to ask question, gal. Instead of putting your question/s up front, you are acting like: Mohi magne theki lukaune. " Can you teach me how to ask then!!!!So can you teach me how to ask questions then??????

Wakil i am talking about ordered catagorical and missing variables and i don't know any Mohammad and about hanuman, its just a story only!

Hansy420 ! Chi. Sq is the name of test in statistics to determine whether or not two variables measured in catagorical or nominal scales, or variables that consist of frequences or counts which are @ with each other. Hop u got it.

take care all.
Posted on 08-02-04 2:54 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Btw, Wakil 1 actually am using ordered catgorical variables.
I don't know any Mohammad and about Hanuman its just a artificial story.

Yatree, I am trying to creat some variables frm sec data set as i have mentioned above. Then only i can use those tools to analyse for the results. Yah i need to use recoding system! eg. you ha ve given above using IF X=1 then a=....
"You still don't know how to ask question, gal. Instead of putting your question/s up front, you are acting like: Mohi magne theki lukaune." So can you explain, how should i ask the ques then?????

hansy420, Chi. Sq. is the statistical test use to determine whether or not two variables measured on caterical or nominal scales or variables that consist of frequencies or counts that are @ with each other. There are many def. of chi sq. test.
Hope u got it!


Posted on 08-02-04 2:56 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 08-02-04 3:10 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Gal, what is sec data?
what is your variable/s type that you want to convert into a new variable? Numeric or string/character?
Are you trying to change one numeric variable to another (e.g. income 10000 thru 14999 = 1 etc.) or trying to change string variable into numeric (e.g. grades A, B, C, ... can be recoded into 1, 2, 3, ... or whatever the score you want to recode)? Or may be you are trying to combine two or more numeric variables and compute one (e.g. COMPUTE MONEYINPOCKET=WAGE+TIPS-TAX)? Possibly you are trying to define a new variable based on the characteristics of two or more variables (e.g. IF INCOME=5 AND GENDER=2 AND JOB=10 THEN NEWVARIABLE=1). (the long variable names are just for example :))

Sorry, I still don't know what you want. You must ask exactly what you want to do. If you don't know what you want to do, then only there is a problem.

Posted on 08-02-04 10:56 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thats secondary data set.

For eg. lets take age group 1) i.e. 15-19=A, 20-29=B etc...
2) If age,50 age2=1
If age.50 age2=2
how can this be done through SPSS?

Posted on 08-02-04 10:58 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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1)If age <50 age2=1
2)If age>50 age2=2
Posted on 08-03-04 8:45 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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It looks like you havenýt done much with SPSS. You will learn. Itýs not complicated like SAS.

RE: you question: N<50=1, >50=2,then 50=?

I suppose you know how to open SYNTAX window and run the program you write. IF not, from menu FILE-->SYNTAX then type the following (#1 or #2) or similar commands. To run the program, open the data file, highlight the syntax commands you want to run then click on the forward pointing triangle - or simply go to Menu->Run->selection. I almost always highlight the section I want to run, 'cause I may have a lot more programming than I want to run at a given time.

Three ways: (i guess yow know about the comment line/section starting with "*" below)

RECODE AGE (0 THRU 49 =1)(50 THRU HI=2).

2. if you want to keep the old AGE variable


3. Another option is munu driven. It is a bit hard to WRITE how to do it. Example:

Once your data file is open, go to
Menu->Transform->Into Same variables ... (as in #1 above) or
Menu->Transform->Into Different variables ... (as in #2 above)

As I said, it's hard to write all the steps.

One way is: Menu->Transform->Into Same variables ...
select AGE and move to right_hand box.
click on "Old and new values"
click on "Range"
fill "0 through 49"
in the "new value" box write "1"
then click on "Add"

(I have version 11.0)
Posted on 08-03-04 10:23 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thank you Yatree!

I haven't took any SPSS classess and now need to work with it for my research.Will try to work out ni!
There not much difference in version 11 and 12 though!

Btn can you pls clearify what does does data cleaning means!



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